PAY ONLINE:  CLICK HERE and log in with your violation number (ex., WBR2-00001234).


NOTE: Pay link temporarily disabled. Please contact with questions.



Automated Photo Speed

In an effort to reduce speeding and traffic accidents in the school
zones in our Parish, we will be using Automated Photo Speed
Enforcement. If you are speeding in a school zone in West Baton
Parish, Louisiana, you may receive a speeding citation in the mail.


Safer For Our Community

Automated Photo Speed Enforcement effectively reduces
speeding in our community.
This gives drivers more reaction time to avoid
traffic accidents involving other vehicles and pedestrians. It also
decreases the lethality of
accidents when they happen.


Safer For Our Officers

Automated Photo Speed Enforcement
eliminates the need for the officer to stand on
the side of a busy highway while writing a ticket. It also
protects the driver from the potential hazards associated with pulling over in potentially unsafe conditions.

What if I lost my Notice of Violation? 

Please contact this office.


What if I don't agree with my Notice of Violation: 

If you do not agree with your speed radar violation, you have the right to contest the violation. Please email and reference your violation number.